Frequently Asked Questions about White Label Courses

If you have Frequently Asked Questions about White Label Courses – this is your space to find answers to your questions about the courses and how to use them – and make money with them!

Quick-Start FAQ

What are white-label courses?

White-label courses are pre-packaged online courses that can be rebranded and resold by other organizations under their own brand name.

These courses are designed and developed by us, allowing you to brand them, and offer high-quality educational content without the need for extensive resources or expertise in course creation.

…and if you want ideas on how to make money using them, simply CLICK HERE.

How do white-label courses work?

White-label courses work by providing you with ready-made course files that can be customized to match your branding.

…and in our case, we even provide you with marketing materials including a customizable e-book on the topic of the course that you can use as a lead-magnet.

We take care of the course development, providing you with text files for all the lessons, narration, and more – all the text documents you will need – allowing you to focus on branding, marketing, and selling the courses to your target audience.

Please note: we don’t provide videos and audio etc for the courses – each course can be branded by you with your specific image, colors, etc – but we provide everything else (even an e-book on the topic of the course that you can brand and use however you like!), and we provide instructions on how to add video and audio etc if this is new for you.

Why should I choose white label courses?

There are several reasons why white label courses are a great option for businesses:

  • Save time and resources: Creating a course from scratch can be time-consuming and expensive. With our white label courses, you can leverage existing content and expertise, saving valuable time and resources.
  • Quick to market: Our white label courses are ready-made, allowing you to launch your online courses quickly and start generating revenue faster.
  • High-quality content: We specialize in creating engaging and informative content. By purchasing your courses from us, you can ensure that your courses offer valuable knowledge and a great learning experience for your customers.
  • Branding opportunities: Our white label courses can be customized with your own branding, allowing you to maintain a consistent brand image and strengthen your brand presence in the market.
  • Flexibility and scalability: As your business grows, our white label courses can easily be expanded or updated to meet the changing needs of your audience.

Why should I buy courses from

We believe is the best provider for your white label courses. Here’s why:

  • Expertise and experience: With over 30 years of experience in the e-learning industry, we have the expertise to create high-quality courses that meet the needs of both businesses and learners.
  • Wide range of courses: Our diverse catalog of courses is expanding almost every week and covers various industries and topics, ensuring that you can find the right courses to meet your audience’s needs.
  • Customization options: Whereas many white label course providers put a lot of restrictions on what you can do with the content, we encourage you to fully customize the courses with your branding, ensuring a seamless integration with your existing brand identity.
  • Responsive support: We employ HUMANS. You may not get an immediate, that-very-second response the way you would from an automated ‘bot’, but you will receive a reply asap from a real-live PERSON.  We believe in providing excellent customer support, both for any technical issues or questions, and for questions on how to customize, market, and sell the courses.
  • Competitive pricing: Most white label course providers vary their pricing, vary their terms, and vary their levels of monthly subscription.  We don’t.  We offer all our courses for one basic fixed price – no monthly fees – allowing businesses of all sizes to access high-quality white label courses without breaking the bank.

How can I get started with white-label courses?

To get started with white-label courses, simply explore the catalog of courses. Choose the courses that align with your business goals and target audience, and click to purchase. You then immediately receive an email with the download instructions.  Once you have selected the courses and adding your logo etc, you can start marketing and selling your branded online courses to your customers.

Additional FAQ

How much does it cost?

There are some companies that charge anywhere from hundreds to even thousands for their white label courses – and most charge you a monthly subscription.

Our price is not even close to that – and you get a LIFETIME LICENSE!

We have a flat fee per course of only $147 (note: we were offering the courses for a fee of $297 per course, but felt in the current business climate that by reducing the per-course price to almost half of that, we were doing our bit to help)

Why are your courses so affordable, while many other companies’ courses are not?

That’s an easy question to answer.

Our Founder and primary Course Creator, Ms Bella St John, has been extremely successful with various ventures (and now lives a Luxurious Nomad life most people only dream of living), and she loves giving back.

Thanks to Ms St John’s philanthropy, we are also able to offer Scholarships in the way of no-cost courses from time to time for people who are starting out and need an extra helping hand – or maybe someone who has fallen on difficult times and needs some assistance.  If you would like to apply – or know someone who would – please email us at 

Are there any other fees or charges or anything else I have to pay?

None whatsoever.  There are no additional fees or charges or subscriptions.

We provide you with all the Word documents with all the text for the lessons, the narration, the landing page copy, the e-book – everything that is listed here – and all you need to do is add your logo, any images, or video, or audio that you desire.

It’s funny, a lot of people, when we start talking about this process, are looking for any hidden extras or traps.  We have become so used to saying ‘yes’ and then actually expect the ‘upsell’ – as in, “well, you’ve bought this product, but if you just give us some more money, we will now give you all the bells and whistles that didn’t already come with it.”

I believe in telling you what you will get, how much it will cost, and then stick to it.  Simple and straightforward.  I know it’s an old-fashioned way of doing business, but that’s the way we do things around here.”  ~ Ms Bella St John

Are there any things that are not included?

Everything you see listed here is included in the price.  There are no hidden fees.

It is important to note, however, this process is not designed as a ‘get rich quick’ campaign.  As with anything, you get out what you put in – and like with anything, if you don’t tell people what you have to offer, match your offers with their needs, and give them a way to pay you, it doesn’t matter if you have the best product on the planet.

We provide you with all the text-based materials for the course, and some text-based materials for marketing the course – and what you do with those materials will determine how successful you are in selling them.

Although as the original developers of the material, we retain the copyright, upon purchasing the course you have a lifetime, unlimited license to modify that course’s content to your heart’s content!

What types of courses do you offer?

We have courses in two primary areas:  Personal Development and Business/Professional Development.

You can find a list of all the categories of courses here.

What these courses are, and what they are not:

The white label, PLR, Done-For-You courses on our website are all written in friendly and informative language, and are all practical in nature.

They provide comprehensive lessons on the subject, as well as action items throughout, a Recap and Reflection lesson, and an Action Plan at the end.

We do not, however, provide courses or lessons that are technical in nature – and as much as possible within the lessons we refrain from mentioning any specific platform, business, or application (as we want the courses to remain accurate – and as we know, platforms, businesses and apps can come and go…).

What do I get when I buy one of your white label courses?

You get everything you need – and it is all fully customizable

  • Ebook (usually between 2000-3000 words – although some are over 4000 words (we give you the exact word count for each particular course ebook on the course description and sales page)).  Many use these ebooks to give away to promote their course and begin their sales funnel process
  • Sales landing page copy
  • Course narration scripts for each lesson
  • Course content to give to the students in individual PDFs for each lesson
  • 10 engaging learning outcomes to promote your course
  • 10 text social media posts to start promoting your course on your social media platforms
  • Instructions on how to use it all, and how to brand it all for your own business

How long are the courses?

The majority of our courses contain 20 to 25 individual lessons.

When you add your branded video and/or audio, the majority of our courses would come out to be between around one hour and three hours in total duration.

Can I see an example of the courses in action?


We have created a sample training platform with several courses to give you a taste of what you can achieve.

Please note, we used AI to both voice the videos in the sample courses, select the videos, and generate the captions.

To learn more about the learning platform we used, and the AI tools, please go to our Resources section.

How often do you add more courses?

We know that providing new and engaging content is vital to keep customers interested and coming back for more, so we do our best to add at least one new white label (PLR, Done-For-You) course to our course catalog each and every week.

Can I translate these courses into other languages?


The market is currently huge – and growing – for courses in other languages.  In America, for instance, there is a high demand for courses in Spanish.

Feel free to purchase any of our courses and translate them into any language you choose!

“Without publicity, a terrible thing happens ~ NOTHING!”

This quote by P.T. Barnum (of Barnum & Bailey Circus fame) is spot on the mark.  If no one knows you have courses for sale, no one will buy them.

That’s why we provide you with a fully customizable e-book on the topic of your course AND ten social media post texts to get you started with marketing your course.

What if I want someone to customize everything for me?

While we don’t do the customization of adding your logo, etc, we do have people to whom we can refer you.  Simply email us at

We also provide you with the instructions on how to do it yourself (or provide the instructions to your team) in case you do decide to customize the courses in-house.

Do you provide refunds?

As you can imagine, because we supply everything in Word, text, and PDF documents, it would be ever so easy for some people to simply download them, get a refund, and use them anyway – over and over again for every course.  As such, all sales are final and we do not offer refunds, however if you are not happy with your purchase, please email us at and we can set up a time to discuss the options.  We always want our customers to be delighted with their purchase, and how they can use it to grow their brand and their business.

Do you provide courses on how to modify the documents?

Our specialization is in the creation of the courses for you to brand.  While we have expertise in all facets of course development and delivery, including audio and video editing, and the use of AI (artificial intelligence), there are a number of providers who specialize in training in these areas – and many of them have excellent videos on YouTube.  If there is something in particular you wish to learn, please email us and we will do our best to hook you up with the best solution for your needs.

I have a particular course I want to build and sell – do you create custom courses for clients?

Absolutely!  While custom courses are obviously not priced the same as the rest of our courses, we have built many courses – and entire learning platforms – for clients over the years, along with instructions on how best to use them.  Simply email us at and we can set up a time to discuss.

Why are white label courses an important addition to my coaching or consulting business?

White label courses offer a scalable, cost-effective solution for enriching your coaching or consulting business with high-quality educational content. They allow for rapid expansion of your service offerings, personalized to match your brand identity, without the need for extensive time or resources to develop courses from scratch. They also provide a multitude of additional potential revenue streams!

What will it cost me if I DON’T use white label courses as part of my business?

How does it feel knowing you put so much time, effort, and often so much of ‘yourself’ into your business, only to know that there is so much more you could achieve…

If you are reading this page, it’s most likely that you fit one or more of the following:

    • You are a coach or consultant who would like to expand your business
    • You know you could command higher prices in your business, but you don’t know how to go about it
    • You would like to offer online courses as part of your products and services, but don’t know how to go about it (or don’t want to spend the time and money to create the courses yourself)…

Think about how much more you would pay to a coach or consultant who had a range of online courses as part of their portfolio of offerings VS a similar professional who didn’t…  That difference in price is just part of what it is costing you to NOT add white label courses to your business.

We could list many other ways that by NOT adding white label courses to your business you are leaving money on the table; that you are not experiencing the joy that comes from your business being all it can be…

The only real question is – what are you going to DO about it?

There is a quote Ms St John uses on a lot on websites, correspondence and articles:

“Will my future self thank me for my decisions and actions TODAY?”

Five years ago, you had dreams, made plans for what you would do in five year’s time…  Well, those five years have passed and the day you were dreaming about is TODAY!

…does your business (and your life) look the way you thought it would ~ and if not, why not ~ and what can you do differently TODAY to make sure your tomorrow is everything you imagine it will be?

Every conscious action (or inaction) is a choice…

So, what is the process?

The full process is detailed here with how-to instructions.

In short, you decide which courses you want, you purchase them, you then receive an email with all the download information and instructions.

How do I get started?

  1. To get started with white-label courses, simply explore the catalog of courses.
  2. Choose the courses that align with your business goals and target audience, and click to purchase. You then immediately receive an email with the download instructions. 
  3. Once you have selected the courses and finalized the details, you can start marketing and selling your branded online courses to your customers.

It’s that simple!

FAQ Articles

How to Spot High-Demand Niches for Your PLR Courses

Are you looking to create and sell PLR (Private Label Rights) courses? One of the most important factors in the success of your courses is… Read more

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Can I Translate a White-Label Course into Different Languages?

White-label courses have gained significant popularity in recent years due to their flexibility and ease of customization. They provide a ready-made solution for individuals and… Read more

What is “Attribution” in White-Label Courses?

Understanding Attribution in White-Label Courses White-label courses have become increasingly popular in the online education industry. They allow businesses and individuals to offer educational content… Read more

Personalizing White Label Courses: Adding Your Unique Voice

White label courses offer a convenient and efficient way to provide valuable content to your audience. However, one common concern is how to add your… Read more

birds on body of water during daytime

Geographical Restrictions on Selling a White-Label Course

Are you considering selling a white-label course but unsure if there are any geographical restrictions? In this blog post, we will explore the topic and… Read more

a close up of a sign on a sidewalk

Understanding Copyright and White-Label Courses

In today’s digital age, copyright plays a crucial role in protecting the intellectual property of creators and ensuring fair use of their work. Whether you… Read more

Beyond the Sale: Earning Passive Income with PLR Courses

Introduction Are you looking for ways to earn passive income? Have you considered leveraging Private Label Rights (PLR) courses? PLR courses can be an excellent… Read more

How to Double Your Income with Done-For-You Courses

Are you looking for a way to boost your income without having to put in extra hours or take on more clients? Look no further… Read more

Adding Images to White Label Courses: A Step-by-Step Guide

White label courses offer a fantastic opportunity to create and sell your own online courses, tailored to your brand and audience. One key aspect of… Read more

Boosting Your Brand with High-Quality White Label Courses

Building a strong and reputable brand is essential for the success of any business. One effective way to enhance your brand image and provide value… Read more

Earning on Autopilot: Setting Up Your White Label Course Sales Funnel

Introduction Are you looking for a way to earn passive income? Setting up a white label course sales funnel can be your ticket to financial… Read more

How to Turn PLR Courses into a Full-Time Income

Are you looking for a way to make a full-time income online? Have you heard about PLR courses but are not sure how to turn… Read more

Benefits to Coaches of Using White-label Courses Instead of Building Your Own

As a coach, you understand the importance of providing valuable and engaging content to your clients. One way to do this is by offering online… Read more

How to Create a Community Around Your White Label Courses

White label courses have become increasingly popular in the online education industry. They offer a convenient and cost-effective way for individuals and organizations to create… Read more

birds on body of water during daytime

Can I Add My Own Content or Modules to a White-Label Course?

White-label courses offer a convenient and flexible solution for businesses and individuals looking to provide online education and training. These courses come pre-packaged with content… Read more

How to Use Email Marketing

How to Use Email Marketing to Sell More PLR, White Label, Done-For-You Courses

Email marketing is a powerful tool that can help you sell more PLR (Private Label Rights), White Label, and Done-For-You courses. By leveraging the reach… Read more

Understanding “Derivative” Work in White-Label Courses

When it comes to white-label courses, one term that often comes up is “derivative” work. Understanding what this term means is essential for anyone involved… Read more

How to Set Competitive Prices for Your PLR Courses

Setting the right price for your PLR (Private Label Rights) courses is crucial for attracting customers and maximizing your profits. However, finding the perfect balance… Read more

Creating passive income with white-label courses

Creating Passive Income with White Label Courses (Done-For-You!)

Are you looking for ways to generate passive income from the comfort of your own home? With the rise of online learning and the increasing… Read more

How to Craft a Sales Funnel with White Label Courses at Its Core

In today’s digital age, businesses are constantly searching for innovative ways to attract and retain customers. One highly effective strategy is to incorporate white label… Read more

How to Brand a White-label Course as Your Own

White-label courses offer a convenient and efficient way to provide valuable educational content to your audience without having to create the course from scratch. These… Read more

Market PLR courses

How to Effectively Market PLR Courses to a Niche Audience

Do you want to successfully marketing PLR courses? (white-label, done-for-you) Are you a content creator or an entrepreneur looking to make the most out of… Read more

From Content to Cash: Monetizing PLR Courses for Maximum Profit

Introduction Private Label Rights (PLR) courses have become increasingly popular among content creators and online entrepreneurs. These ready-made courses provide a valuable resource for those… Read more

birds on body of water during daytime

How to Handle Copyright or Attribution for White-Label Course Content You Have Purchased

When it comes to using white-label course content that you have purchased, it is important to understand how to handle copyright and attribution properly. White-label… Read more

Translating white-label courses

How to Expand Your Reach by Translating White Label Courses in Different Languages

Translating White Label Courses in Different Languages? As an online course creator or e-learning platform owner, you understand the importance of reaching a wider audience.… Read more

happy birthday to you greeting card

Are There Any Ongoing Fees or Royalties After Purchasing a Whitelabel Course?

Whitelabel courses have become a popular option for individuals and businesses looking to offer online courses without the need to create their own content from… Read more

birds on body of water during daytime

Is there a limit to the number of times I can sell a white-label course?

White-label courses have become a popular option for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to create and sell online courses without the hassle of creating content from… Read more

birds on body of water during daytime

What is a White-Label Course?

In the world of online education, white-label courses have become increasingly popular. But what exactly is a white-label course? In this blog post, we will… Read more

The Beginner’s Roadmap to Earning with PLR Courses

Introduction Are you looking for a way to earn passive income online? Have you heard about PLR (Private Label Rights) courses but don’t know where… Read more

black honda car on road during daytime

How Does White-Label Licensing Work for Courses?

In the ever-evolving world of online education, white-label licensing has emerged as a popular option for course creators and educators looking to expand their reach.… Read more

birds on body of water during daytime

Can I Customize the Content of a White-Label Course?

White-label courses have become a popular option for businesses and individuals looking to offer online educational content. These courses provide a ready-made solution that can… Read more

Table of Contents